Fresh Boulders 3 Days Per Week
Bridges is run by climbers, for climbers. Our routesetting team has over 20 years of combined experience, and they have free reign to bring you fresh boulders three days per week.
The last thing you want at your bouldering gym is watered-down routesetting. Our routesetters offer challenging, engaging boulders at every level, so that our climbers can learn, and grow. The shared experience of cruxing out on a new set is what brings us all together.

Routesetting Schedule
We set fresh boulders each week!​
Mondays: New World Cup Weekly boulders!
Tuesdays: 1st half of a new set goes up.
Wednesdays: 2nd half of a new set goes up.
Setters typically work 7am-3:30pm.

Circuit Grading
By removing the focus on V-Grades, climbers are encouraged to get outside their comfort zone, climb stuff that looks fun rather than stuff that looks easy, and get to know their own strengths and weaknesses better. We’re not alone in this thinking - Bouldering gyms across the country are adopting circuit grades, thanks to the groundbreaking work of Tonde Katiyo and the Bouldering Projects.​
Height, weight, age, gender, body type, strength, and experience all play into how hard a problem feels, and this subjectivity often leads to disappointment, unmet expectations, dashed hopes and dreams, and generally bad feels.
How many times have you heard another climber say "oh I can't climb V6, I'm not one of the Team kids," or "I should be able to climb this, I'm a V3 Climber!" These barriers are often no more than mental blocks we've put up ourselves, and the best solution we've found is to challenge yourself with something a little outside your comfort zone. Climbing is about mastery after all, not just success. The sooner you're able to recognize your own strengths and weaknesses the sooner you can do something about it.
We think our Circuit Grading System is a little more honest, a little less subjective, and a little more accessible than traditional V-grades. It helps us offer a better spread of boulder problems and climbing styles to different ability levels. You'll not only have more fun climbing with us, but we think you might even progress faster.

Get Kaya for the Latest Updates
Want to stay up to date on all the latest sets? Download KAYA, The Climber's App.
We post our weekly sets, including photos of each new wall in KAYA.​ You can use KAYA to discover climbs, share beta, log sends, and track progress. Download and join the most psyched community in climbing. All the data, beta, and resources in one place.
​​Don't want to download an app? Check us out on Instagram @bridgesrockgym.​​

Routesetting Survey
We thrive on customer feedback.
While we do have a few avenues for feedback about our routesetting, and would like to say thank you for those of you who are already providing comments, we wanted to take a moment to solicit some more detailed feedback from our members and guests.
Please take a moment to share your thoughts here!