All your questions answered!
I'm already a member, but I want to join Bridges Fitness also. Do you have a combined rate?
Yes! You can add a Bridges Fitness membership on to any of our membership options for an additional $90.00/mo. You can manage this at signup or by emailing us at info@bridgesrockgym.com.​
Membership is expensive. Do you have an affordable alternative?​
Yes! We're proud to offer our Community Access Program for folks currently enrolled in CalFresh, CalWorks, Medi-Cal, and SSI. To apply, please send a dated letter of enrollment to kenneth@bridgesrockgym.com.​
I’m going on vacation soon. Can I freeze my membership?
Monthly Autopay members can freeze their memberships for just $10/mo.
Prepaid Annual Members, Prepaid Promotional Members, and Team Bridges members cannot freeze their memberships.
Should I Freeze my membership, or Terminate my membership?
If you’ll be gone for a month or two, you probably want to Freeze. Freezing makes coming back to your membership that much easier.
If you’ll be gone for more than a few months, we recommend Terminating your membership. Since we don't do initiation fees, you can come back at any time without penalty - and we hope you do!
Can I unfreeze my membership early?
Yes! This feature is currently in development in Capitan. In the meantime, please email kenneth@bridgesrockgym.com to request an early unfreeze.
It’s after my billing day, can I still Freeze or Terminate my membership for this month?
If it’s after your billing day, we’ve collected your membership dues, and are planning on your use of the gym this month. You can still schedule a freeze or termination for the month.
Can I freeze my membership indefinitely?​​​​
​Yes, you can, but see above.
I used to be a member, but I'm not anymore. Do I still have to pay an initiation fee when signing up for a new Monthly Autopay membership?
Nope, we don't do initiation fees anymore: come on back!
I didn’t use the gym much last month, can I have my money back?
We’re unable to offer a retroactive membership freeze or termination. On the bright side, your membership is still good this month! Perhaps you could take a look at our class schedule in order to make the most of your membership dues?
My credit card expired, and I didn’t pay my dues, but I also didn’t use the gym that much this month. Can I just not pay for it?
We need you to hold up your end of the bargain so that we can hold up ours. In order to remain a member in good standing, you must update your billing information and clear your outstanding balance. If you’d prefer to terminate, you’ll need to update your billing information, clear your outstanding balance, and then terminate your membership.
I moved to Thailand 6 months ago and forgot to cancel my membership. Can you refund me $500?
First off, congrats on moving to Thailand! Unfortunately, Membership dues are non-refundable and non-transferable. Members are not paying for their use of the gym, but the access to it - think about it like a Netflix or Spotify subscription. We do hope you’ll visit next time you’re in town!
I’m a Prepaid Annual member. Why can’t I Freeze my membership?
Our Prepaid Annual members have committed to a full year of membership, and received a generous discount as a result. We are unable to further discount these memberships by offering a Membership Freeze.
My child is on Team Bridges. Why can’t we freeze their membership?
We work hard to make Team Bridges affordable, because we believe that everyone deserves a chance to experience the life-changing benefits of rock climbing. In order to keep our pricing affordable, we need to keep our program full. While it’s ok to take a break now and then, we need to keep charging your dues in order to maintain your child’s spot on Team.
My child is on Team Bridges. Do you really need 30 days notice to terminate their membership?
See above. While we do maintain a waitlist of children who would like to join Team, not everyone is a good fit. 30 days gives us a reasonable amount of time to fill your child’s spot in the program.​